London Spine & Joint Clinic (+44) (020) 7706 7003
X/Ray, MRI, CT, Bone density & Ultra sound scans, spinal and joint manipulation specialists in London: UK
Spinal Clinics / X/Ray, MRI, CT, Bone density & Ultra sound scans - London | London Spine & Joint Clinic

Opening hours

bullet Monday 09:00 - 18:30
bullet Tuesday 09:00 - 19:30
bullet Wednesday 08:30 - 18:00
bullet Thursday 09:00 - 19:30
bullet Friday 08:30 - 18:00
020 7706 7003
14 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ



With bone and joint complaints as well as accidents, it might necessitate a more thorough investigation of the troublesome area. If an area of pain is persistent or recurrent, a totally logical and medically scientific acceptable next step is a simple 2 view X/RAY evaluation. This is done on the premises by the Doctor of Chiropractic himself, taking no longer than 5 minutes from start to finish-where both the Chiropractic Doctor and the patient can view and discuss the results in some detail. Dr. Ashton Vice has been taking his own X/RAYS for 37 years in the clinic, having been certified to do so under the laws of Illinois, USA, where he graduated in Chicago in 1987. He has also completed the UK and EU theoretical training course in Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 at the Radiological Protection Centre in 2004. He completed the upgraded, Radiological Protection Supervisor course in 2020.

IRR17_certificateShould further radiological investigation be required, our clinic offers a referral service of the patient to various private specialised radiological facilities (for an MRI, CT Scan, Bone Density Scan(DEXA), Ultra Sound Scan, SPECT-CT; PET,), or back to the patients G.P. (Medical Doctor), for NHS investigation. X/RAY is an invaluable and primary diagnostic tool in bone and joint problems. Indeed X/RAY remains the gold standard examination in imaging.